Friday 6 May 2016

Ancillary Task Two: Film Poster

Pictured above is my second ancillary for my Advanced Portfolio. This is the teaser poster that i created for my film "The Hunt". Again with this teaser poster, i had primarily gained inspiration from one other film poster that i have analysed on my blog, but by conducting research into other similar teaser posters, i had managed to gain some inspiration to include in my own design as well as the one i have analysed. 

I wanted to follow the conventions of other similar poster that i had researched into, to create an effective and eye catching poster myself- something of which could be compared to the professionals  designs within the industry, this was the look that i was after- sleek, simple and professional. I decided to use a similar image to my first ancillary task to create synergy between the two tasks and make sure that if individuals saw my teaser poster or magazine cover they could relate to it and know what film it is with similar looking covers. The difference in this poster is that in the first ancillary, the 'huntsman' is holding his bat over his shoulder, which in effect gives of quite a menacing and scary look the character where as in this image i directed the actor to pose with the bat in his hand, as to look as though he is patting it with his hand as this gives the effect that the 'huntsman' is out to kill and has quite an aggressive and strikingly scary look.

I wanted to give the poster a rather dark background and a scene that the audience could relate to - the forest. This is what the whole story is based around- a camping trip essentially going wrong, leading to the death of the group of friends who entered the woods- this gives the poster synergy and relevance as it relates back to the storyline. The darkness also suggests a sense of mysteriousness and unease, although there are parts of the image that is based in light- this was down to the fact if i took these pictures in the dark, you simply would have not seen the character what so ever in black clothing and the mask.

Again, i tried to follow the conventions of other trailers and try to include features that a typical teaser poster should include- things such as the release date, social media tags, website and company logos as well as small print at the very bottom of the page etc. This was one of my main focuses upon the creation and editing of this ancillary to include all the features i could to make the product look as realistic and as professional as possible. I differed the text from my actual product here as i believed the original choice of text didn't fully fit in with the image i had intended to use, where as simple looked simpler and much better- this text originally was red too, however i thought that changing the colour to a rather light grey proved more effective and stood out more to the audience because some of the main features of my poster are also displayed in red, this means that the audience will be drawn to those that are of different colour as well as the red too. I decided to use the red font to exaggerate danger as this is the typical convention of most horror films and especially within mine as i wanted the images i included to create a sense of unease and draw them into wanting to view the full product. Red draws particular attention too because audiences usually associate this with death and/or violence, drawing them in and keeping them interested.

I also decided to include a credit block at the bottom of my teaser poster to make it look more professional and authentic as you usually see this feature on most other posters. This involved the process of me having to find this font on the internet through extensive research, and trying to implement this within my ancillary task which proved to be quite difficult. I feel as though without this feature i could not call the end product even a "teaser poster" as i feel the poster would of been rather vague and i think now it adds a whole new look to the poster. Audiences can easily establish that this is a poster compared to a magazine with the content i have displayed and i tried to keep the content as simplistic as possible without too much on the page, distracting the viewer/audiences attention away as if too much was on the page they simply would not of been interested.

The teaser poster that i had mainly taken inspiration from in the research stages of my ancillary task is displayed below. The reason i took inspiration from this poster was because it was very simplistic and straight forward and didn't have too much content on the poster distracting the audiences attention and i believed the combination of the image and text was very effective. 

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