Friday 6 May 2016

Ancillary Task One: Magazine Cover


As part of our Advanced Portfolio our task was to create a choice of either a trailer or music video and provide two ancillaries along with out media product- i picked to make a trailer and my two ancillaries given to me was to make both a film poster and a magazine front cover promoting our films. 

This is my magazine front cover for my film "The Hunt" of which I primarily used one other influential magazine front cover to inspire me and give me ideas to use upon the creation of my cover. As i wanted to make my ancillary look as professional as possible, along with all the other media products i have created, i paid particular attention to conventions of other magazine covers and what they cover on them and adapted this to my version. Upon conducting research for similar genre (horror) covers on Google Images, i found that there was little to no covers that stood out from the crowd and looked majorly 'professional', however i did look into more detail at popular film magazines such as the likes of 'EMPIRE' & 'Total Film'.

I decided a while before adding the image into my cover, to lay a rough outline of what i want my cover to look like as this gave me the opportunity to adapt and change certain bits without the image getting in my way. The colour scheme originally throughout- including the text, was red, however this did not seem to fit along with the image and i felt that the page seemed a bit too crowded with all the same colour font- not appealing to the eye and it made me lose interest within the cover. I however decided to change some of the font to a green colour to blend in with the image i added in & i believe this worked quite well and didn't look too bland. The font in itself I had done some research on before making my cover as i wanted the text to look as professional and realistic looking as possible- this was achieved through the use of a website I use quite regularly called I believe that using the right type of font and colours makes the magazine more visually appealing to the readers/audience and makes them more attracted to the product (perhaps inspiring them to purchase the magazine). The use of colour i felt created synergy between my products as it was consistent throughout, and red stands out from the crowd, which may draw audiences eyes towards my magazine as they walk past it or see it somewhere. Particular attention was paid to the differing font colour to ensure the page didn't look to 'vibrant'.

The title for my magazine was named "Film Mad", an idea that had sparked out my head at the time. My aim was to have a title that sounded simple, catchy and upon creation of the cover wouldn't take up half the page just with the title- i felt short and simple worked best. "Film Mad" is easy to remember and this may mean that potential audiences/customers will remember the name of my magazine cover for future purchases and this can also mean that they can easily recommend my product to others. Not only this, but i too included a simple tagline and made sure i followed the conventions of other similar magazine covers e.g. Empire magazine. I included all the basic features you would expect a professional magazine cover to include with the inclusion of price/ date of issue and other features such as a barcode & competition details displayed in the top right of my cover. This all involved me trying to find the correct spot for each part and fine-tune to my liking.

Overall, i believe that this magazine cover looks visually appealing and can be compared and contrasted to other professional magazine covers readily available on the market. The use of colour and font adds to this experience with the page not looking too over-crowded and I am reasonably happy with the end product. This magazine cover is bold, stands out from the rest and i believe will attract an audience to purchase the product.

I analysed one magazine front cover in detail to understand the different parts and features that a typical magazine has and gained my inspiration to make mine purely through the single one i had seen, although i did gain inspiration through conducting more research into other similar magazine front covers. I felt as though i combined features from a variety of different popular magazine covers to make my cover look as professional and realistic as it could. The poster i analysed is below:

This is the main magazine cover that i drew most of my inspiration from as i thought this stood out compared to other magazine covers and had the most content displayed on the front cover. I chose to use most conventions from this to use in my own work as it looked very professional and is one of the best selling magazines on the market- which a lot of different individuals buy. I felt as if i followed this, this would set me along the right guidelines to achieve the same goal. In this cover, various different parts of the image are layered over one another, such as Sherlock Holmes' head is layered on top of the title "Empire" to make the main character stand out from everything else on the cover and this wouldn't have the same effect if his head was behind the title. A magazine company like this also has the ability to layer such items over things as their audience is aware of the title of the magazine without even looking at it and it can easily be established without having to ask someone. This cover is very simple and doesn't include heaps of text, it was kept simple and professional and visually appealing to the audience- something of which is the key to creating an effective magazine cover. 

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