Monday, 21 March 2016

Research into Roles

Research into roles

As I am working alone I will have to complete all of the given tasks myself. My main roles are producer, cinematographer, editor director and writer. By writing about these roles it will help me become more familiar with my tasks.

·                     Location Scout.
Location scouting is a vital process in the pre-production stage of filmmaking and commercial photography. Once scriptwriters, producers or directors have decided what general kind of scenery they require for the various parts of their work that is shot outside of the studio, the search for a suitable place or "location" outside the studio begins. Location scouts also look for generally spectacular or interesting locations beforehand, to have a database of locations in case of requests.

·                     Production Designer.
In film and television, a production designer  is the person responsible for the physical overall look of a filmed event such as a TV program, video game, music video, or advertisement. Production designers have a key creative role in the creation of motion pictures and television. Working directly with the director and producer, they must select the settings and style to visually tell the story. The term "production designer" was coined by William Cameron Menzies while he was working on the film Gone with the Wind.

·                     Marketing.
As producer I will have to ensure that I have generated interest in my movie trailer. I will do through my subsidiary tasks and social media. For example, making the magazine cover and promotion poster. This will generate more hype. 

A film director is a person who directs the making of a film. Generally, a film director controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, and visualises the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfilment of that vision.

The job of a writer is to create the back story for visuals of a movie. This will help me establish guidelines that I need to follow in order to make my trailer look professional.

·                     Storyboard Artist
A storyboard artist, or story artist, creates storyboards for advertising agencies and film productions. A storyboard artist visualizes stories and sketches frames of the story on paper. Quick pencil drawings and marker renderings are two of the most common traditional techniques, although nowadays Flash, Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro and other storyboard applications are gradually taking over. The digital camera is one of the latest techniques in creating storyboards

·                     Producer


·                     Storyboard Artist 

·                     Technical Director
The Technical Director has to take care of the technical set including lighting, sound, set design and construction, and coordinating necessary maintenance.

The film editor works with the raw footage, selecting shots and combining them into sequences to create a finished motion picture. Film editing is described as an art or skill, the only art that is unique to cinema, separating filmmaking from other art forms that preceded it, although there are close parallels to the editing process in other art forms such as poetry and novel writing. Film editing is often referred to as the "invisible art” because when it is well-practiced, the viewer can become so engaged that he or she is not even aware of the editor's work.
·                     Composer

·                     Sound Editor
I need to ensure that my sound matches up to my visuals.

·                     Sound Designer 


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