Wednesday 9 September 2015

Who am I?

Who Am I?

I am a 17 years young, White- British Citizen living in the United Kingdom. More specifically, In Gillingham, in Medway, of which is located in the county of Kent, in the South- East region of England. I was originally born in Chatham, which is just a town away from where I live, in a hospital that is now been knocked down and converted into a council estate.  Currently, I used to have a part time job which would give me some money that would enable me to go out & do things I enjoy, however, I am actively seeking for a new part time job, with a much higher rate of pay. I am however still in compulsory Full Time Education at The Howard School, Rainham, so this is one of my priorities at this age, and currently studying a variety of different A-Levels, pushing in to the last year of School now before leaving for University or to start my future career. I know, pretty scary how time flies, right?

What do I consume?

Being a typical teenager, I consume a variety of media on a day to day basis. Whether that means being on my phone communicating with someone or using social media, its become a regular and daily thing. Not only this but its crazy how much media a typical teenager consumes but doesn't even cross their minds at the time. The types of media that I and many others consume is as follows:

Television Programmes:
There are some shows on TV that I tend to watch but it doesn't have a huge impact of my life, as I tend to be doing other things such as going out in my spare time. I use my television or watch television very rarely, but tend to end up resorting to it as a last minute hope of boredom- making me an infrequent user. However, i tend to watch shows such as The Walking Dead or The Gadget Show on Channel 5, and family comedies such as Family Guy, American Dad or the classic- Simpsons.

Recently I've been on the "Netflix" hype having only discovered about and buying membership recently, if unsure on what "Netflix" actually is, it is a online movie rental service where members have to pay a monthly fee in order to watch movies online. It is an on-demand internet streaming service that enables viewers from all over the word re-watch and view either old movies, or new movies that they haven't seen yet. Me being a teenager, in my free time I love to just chill and do absolutely nothing and have to find something to keep me occupied- in this case watching films making me a frequent user but on average i watch around 2-4 films a month, but maybe only to Odeon (Cinema) once every couple of months if im that desperate to see a film. I love watching action films or racing films such as "James Bond" or "Fast & Furious" franchise films but my favorite right now is "22 Jump street."

Video Games
Video games played a huge part in my childhood, spending almost every day, every hour and every minute playing the latest games out on my Xbox 360 or Xbox One. I'm still quite a huge fan of personal entertainment Due to the fact I wasn't able to venture out so much because of all of my friends living a fair distance away from me, it was a lot of effort to keep meeting up when I instead could keep in touch with them over Xbox or PC. Now obviously it's a lot different, having the ability to drive has made me be out and socializing almost all day, every day meaning I'm no longer at home- making me an infrequent user now compared to being a frequent user only a couple of months ago. However I used to play a wide variety of games such as the likes of Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty (COD), Battlefield or racing games such as Forza Horizon 2.

Music plays a huge part in my life & is the career path I would love to take further on in life. At this age and over the past couple of years, I've tried to in my spare time make mix-tapes or produce my own music and publish this to the general public and family & friends over social media & other music sites such as YouTube or SoundCloud or MixCloud. I love finding new music either for the 'good vibes' and like to show my friends the new music I found that they might like too or just listening to it whenever I can. Being a DJ and loving to find new music every day, i have become a very frequent user of this form of media- on average every time I go somewhere in my car, or if im at home I spend almost half my time (a good couple of hours) of listening to music. I'm more of a fan of the festival scene kind of music, mainly consisting of the genres of EDM and House, my favourite artists being superstar DJ's such as the ex Swedish House Mafia trio - Axwell & Ingrosso, and mainstream DJ/artists such as Avicii and Afrojack.

Internet Sites
I use a variety of the main stream social media- the likes of Facebook, Instagram. Snapchat, Twitter etc. pretty much all the time, often finding it hard to escape using them for a short duration. Without it, communication with friends would be a lot harder and this is why I tend to use it a lot as does every other teenager.

Who Provides the content I consume?:

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Netflix
  • Microsoft
  • BBC
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Soundcloud

Who do I consume with?
A lot of the time, with the media of which I consume, most of it I do so alone, or sometimes with friends. However majority of the media I consume is through social media- and I see this as something private and unique to someone- something only they can tamper with. The majority of the media I consume being social media, this means I consume those in that way, however if I'm watching videos or films, often I share the viewing experience with my friends or family.

Where do I consume?
Most of the content i can consume on-the-go on any mobile device such as my iPhone, iPad or tablet. Majority of the time, when I'm not busy working or going out, I consume these types of media in my bedroom, rather than constantly go to the cinema to watch films, Netflix basically brings the cinema to home so i vary rarely do end up going to the 'pictures' as I'm no huge film fanatic. Social Media however plays a huge role in my life and I can't seem to go without it for too long- but this can be accessed anywhere at anytime on my phone.

How do I access the media of which I consume?
The devices i use to access these media products are my smartphone, Xbox One Console, and my laptop. Most of the content i consume is compatible on a variety of platforms (Synergy) so i can access it easily in different ways in different situations. 

1 comment:

  1. You give a good overview of yourself as a media consumer, Owen, particularly in terms of the social impact of media on your life but there is very little specific information about content, e.g. TV shows, films and music. You haven't included any images either (you need to show varied ICT use on your blog). Finally, you haven't finished your profile - you were asked to do so for homework. You will need to set yourself higher standards if you hope to achieve a 'C' grade or higher this year.
