Monday, 30 November 2015

Equipment List

Equipment List
·         Camera- Panasonic HC-V757 (24MP) Camera or Digital SLR to capture images in best quality possible. The resolution will tie in with the GoPro resolution so quality and resolution will be consistent only perspective. This of course will be primarily used for majority of the filming tieing in with the use of the go pro- will switch between the two

·         Tripod- The tripod will be used to stabilise and elevate the camera that I am going to use. The primary reason I am going to use this is to create smooth, collated shots rather than hand-holding the camera which will create jolty and unprofessional looking shots. The tripod if I use it effectively can mean the difference between a professional looking trailer and an unprofessional alternative.

·         GoPro camera & attachments- The GoPro I plan on using for a vast majority of the action shots due to that is the pure nature they are designed for. Having and knowing that the GoPro has many attachments that can be used or bought for it such as chest harnesses, head mounts, stick mounts etc. I can use all of these to give a different view and perspective on certain scenes- this will help give a personal touch to the trailer. Go Pro’s tend to have a wide angle lens to which will become useful in the process of filming.

·         Drone- The drone is to be used for elevated shots- especially at the beginning where I plan on opening with the camera being quite high up at tree level and slowly floats down to the ground where all seems fine but an axe chops into the tree out of nowhere. It is also to be used to create quick and effective establishing shots- speed and coverage will be the key element that will make the drone so useful and effective, as it can cover a vast area in such a short area of time and can make a smooth shot.

·         Peugeot 206 & another car- The car I intend on using to show the group of friends travelling to the camping site at the beginning of trailer to give them an idea of the surroundings. The camera will be mounted in the car onto the windscreen so there will be minimal shake but the car will come in useful for tracking shots too as speed can be maintained. The other car that I intend on bringing along will be used for in shot purposes.

·         Prop Weapons- The Prop weapons are essentially only to be used for giving the ‘extra’ feel to a horror movie- no movie is complete without some sort of weapon. They are or can be used as a means of self-defence- but I intend the killer on having an axe, and the prop assault rifle is going to only be seen at one stage in the trailer.

·         Make up (Fake blood) - The fake blood is going to be used to show the scenes of violence and the sheer extent of the chaos. Horror style make up will be applied to the casts faced that have been captured and killed, and blood will be splattered around/near them.

Where and when will the item be obtained
Who is responsible for getting it?
When is it being used? (Date/stage?)
Who will be using it?
What training is needed?
Notes (e.g “Charging required”)
Panasonic HC-V757 (24MP) Camera
The camera I will use is property of Mr Lewis & will have to be collected in School from his classroom. This will be collected closer to the time of recording around December/January Time.
Time of filming/ production. December/  January
Common Knowledge
Fresh set of batteries before filming + spare.
Hama Star 61 Tripod
The tripod is again property of Mr Lewis & will have to be collected from his classroom with his permission. This will too be collected around the time of filming/production.
Time of filming/ production.
Correct use of tripod to reach top potential.
(Watch Tutorials)
Ensure nothing is broken before use.
GoPro HERO Camera & attachments
The GoPro camera I bought myself a while ago- this can be used & collected at any time from my house.
Time of filming/ production
Owen & Cast
mounts (How to use/attach)
Bring all attachments needed.
RC Drone
The Drone I have had for around two years- this is again property of me and can be used & collected at any time from my house.
Time of filming/ production
How to fly the drone properly
Make sure fully charged & charge before use
Peugeot 206 (Filming aspect) & another car for film
My car I have with me everywhere I go. This will be used to film from of moving/action shots. Another car will be used for travel in the trailer. Again, can be used at anytime, anywhere.
Owen & other licenced & insured driver
Time of filming/ production. Used for travel to location too.
Owen & other licenced driver
Have plenty of petrol before use.
Prop Axe
This can be either made or I can research for a relatively cheap prop.
Time of filming/ production
Prop Assault Rifle/Pistol
I already have this item stored away at home for use. This will be collected at the time of filming.
Time of filming/ production

Camping Tents
I have quite a few tents stored away in my loft at home- in a variety of sizes. So these are no worry to me- it just adds to the scene/gives the camping feel. This can again be collected at any time from my house.
Time of filming/ production & beforehand to make sure have all correct parts
How to correctly put up a tent
Make sure have all correct parts ready
Camping Tools
These are an additional piece of equipment that will just add to the atmosphere/scene. They don’t have much of a significant meaning but these again are with all my other camping items stored away at my house. They can be collected at an appropriate time.
Time of filming/ production
Only used for props
Fake Blood make-up/
I believe I have some fake blood stored away at home which will take me some time to find, but if worse comes to worst, I can venture out to a party shop and buy some.
£5.00 or less
Time of filming/ production and again beforehand for practicing effective makeup
How to correctly and effectively apply make up to make it look realistic.
Watch YouTube tutorials

Friday, 6 November 2015

Planning- Ideas for Trailer

  • The whole trailer starts off with a single, high angle shot of the tree- camera somehow suspended in the air, but tracks down the tree to where it is silent, but two seconds later, the hatchet/weapon slams against the tree 
  • Camera cuts to tracking & fast paced shot of one of the characters running through the woods (ambient sound in background i.e. sound of leaves & tense music)
  • Camera cuts to the main scene- introduced to all the characters (with names credited).. establishing shot used to show surrounding area, cars and fores
  • Shot of characters drinking, socializing, having a laugh, sitting around a campfire (rough time around 5/6 pm).. could use vlogger type shots (holding camera or resting camera somewhere) and have video recording overlay to add a little personal touch to the film and enable audience to get closer with the characters
  • In distance of shot, un-focused, the killer is standing there behind the flames in the forest, with his weapon out (scary sound effect used). No one notices him
  • Cut to shot of killer slowly taking footsteps towards the group of friends & POV shot from his perspective... tense music used

Research into Media Institutions


The institution I am writing about is Snapchat. Snapchat is a video messaging application made for smartphones and is created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown & Stanford University students.

Using the application, users can take photos, record videos, view "stories" and add text, drawings and emoji's to their "snaps" and send them to a controlled list of recipients. Users can send photos or videos with a time limit (between 1-10 seconds, chosen by the user) for how long recipients can view their snaps after which they are permanently deleted. The "Snap" cannot be seen again unless the other user(s) 'replays' it, where the 'Snap' can be viewed once more- however ever user can only replay one snap per day.

The company since its launch in September 2011- has become so popular with teenagers & adults and has grown to one of the top positions in the social media world. The application is used in almost every country worldwide and is available on multiple platforms- iOS & Android being the top.

In February 2013, two years after its launch, co-founder Reggie Brown, a former classmate of Spiegel and Murphy who conceived of the snapchat concept, designed the snapchat logo and came up with the original name of "Picaboo", and filed a lawsuit over the ownership of the company. Snapchat tried to settle with Brown on two prior occasions in May 2013 and several weeks later. It reached an undisclosed settlement with Brown in September 2014, and Brown was credited with the creation of Snapchat.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Pitch Feedback

In this video, i am given feedback on my pitch "The Hunt". From the feedback given from the audience, i will take these on board and change a couple of things to my trailer to make it better. There was quite a lot of things to take on board that hadn't crossed my mind before. The feedback that i got was that when it comes around to actually filming and producing it- it probably is worth filming a few times and using a vast range of shots as New Forest is quite a long drive away from home and it may not be possible to re-visit in future just for the sake of a few shots.

Lighting is one of the big issues with filming at night time, especially within the winter months due to later sunrises and earlier sunsets as the sun tends to set around 4:30pm to 5pm usually. My intentions were to film as the day becomes darker and darker, going into sunset but this doesn't give me a huge time frame to film what needs to be filmed- even though i am going for a few days it'll be tough to fit absolutely everything in. However from getting this feedback i will make sure to test appropriate lighting conditions and if needs be, appropriate camera attachments (such as lights) before hand in a similar time frame to the hours of which i plan to film my main task in. This will help me determine if i need to think of an alternative or to film at an earlier point during the day.

There was a suggestion from one of the members of the audience to perhaps change my film a slight bit and make it so some of the scenes are shot during the day, and at night time turn the film into a slight 'vlog' where characters hold the camera and record events as they see them- this can be quite effective

(Needs to be completed)

  • Get everything done on that occasion
  • Could refilm in another woods
  • Loads of different shots so dont have to go back even if dont use them
  • Get loads of establishing shots if not enough action in trailer, not too many to make it dull
  • Production companies etc at start, titles through out
  • Could use car headlights to light the surrounding area
  • Daytime- film it properly, night time as if the characters are filming it themselves- change in the trailer
  • Could use torches/fire.
  • Research into shooting into low light conditions
  • Safety Assessment on car/weapons/fire- for the examiner (health and safety issues)
  • Sitting round camp fire telling scary stories
  • POV/ someone holding camera on way to camp site
  • Music that builds up climax that goes to blank screen, weird voiceover and ends.
  • Have jumpscares in it, hatchet hits the tree, big sting and goes to a black screen
  • If in tent, have a light and see shadow from outside the tent, tent moves, person checks, nothing
  • Fainting noise
  • Someone telling a story that happens before guy appears, voice appears over whole trailer and see things that are happening that link in with the story "did you hear what happened in this wood about ten years ago?" Cut between people round fire and their faces listening and things that happen after that.

  • Easy to film- been done before, not bad, a lot of places to run, dark, good setting
  • Gopro camera can come to good use
  • New Forest- going down there with friends, one time filming- has to capture a lot of shots
  • If needed to reshoot- do it in another woods
  • Try get as many different shots as possible even if i dont use them
  • Get some establishing shots to take up time if not enough action
  • Lighting is an issue- filming between 3-7 as getting dark/sunset
  • During day can film like properly/professionaly when it turns dark it tends to turn into handheld- like vlogging style. Show it from their prospective
  • Research to shooting in low light conditions- needs to be thought through thoroughly 
  • Health & safety issues- risk assessed.

Pitch Video